What is this I hear you ask! Well, my husband, Adie and I, have made a promise that each month we will both produce a fantastic (hopefully) piece of artwork to hang on our gallery wall (which is on our open stairway) or a piece of sculpture to display. Of course, being arty, this was my idea and Adie just laughed and exclaimed "I can't do Art!" At that point I could feel a challenge errupting and calmly I explain we all had art within our souls and its just a challenge to tease it from us. Comforted by my supportive words he agreed to give it a go and I know we will both have enormous fun achieving art which we can truly call our own however good or bad it is. (Even bad artwork can make you laugh because attached to it is a memory!) August is our first month and our Artwork will be unveiled at the end of each month. We hope you enjoy! x
August 2011 - coming soon
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011