My Story

For as long as I can remember I always dreamt of having a pretty pink cottage with the old inglenook fireplace and the warm cosy Arga overlooking countryside and near a river or the sea.  Well, after 23 years of marriage and a lot of make do and mend my dream has finally come true.

My husband (Adie) myself (Debbie)and my two lovely children (Rachael and Phil) and our little dog Lizzy moved to our idillyc cottage in October 2009. I was so happy at being in our new house but my happiness was short lived and only lasted for 1 year and 3 months...a family matter, not in our control, resulted in my husband's sister and her family estranging themselves from us in June 2010 followed by my daughter going to University and living away from home unexpectedly in the October 2010 and my dear sweet dog, Lizzy, dying from cancer in early December 2010. This caused great heartache and emotional strained for us all and it has taken me a year to recover.  With all the stress I fell out of love with our new house and felt I could not connect with it fearing jealousy had a part to play with my husbands sisters emotions regarding our moving home. This gave me an enormous feeling of guilt and I ask myself if we hadn't moved would we still be a complete family? It is only now that I can come to terms with the fact that you can't always understand how some people think and that you simply have to move on.  The time has come to start a journey to recapture those happy days when we had just moved.  We now have a new rescue dog (Millie) and this is my Journey.... I hope you'll join me...and see where it leads.  X

This is Millie a few months ago.  She has grown but she is still cute.  I will put some Photos of Lizzy on at some stage but I still miss her so much I still sob as soon as I mention her and its 11 months on.  Your pets become part of the family and it was like losing a daughter, sounds silly I know but thats just how it is.    X