Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Busy busy busy!

Well, I just can't belive where the time has gone.  My weekend just flew past in a blink of an minute, 3 great days ahead to ponder what to do and the next .....the weekend was over!....Saturday was going to be a baking day...but it just didn't happen......  because I found out that our local garden nursery was due to close and everything was going for a mere snip of the original price....Sad in one way that we were about to lose such a great store but grateful of an opportunity to buy some more basic materials for more of our outdoor projects at knock down prices.

This is how my weekend panned out:

Saturday: food shopping, bargain shopping at the nursery, off to the river to pick up some more rejected bits of driftwood, back home to build a step (with my recycled materials which were previously collected) for outside the Cottage Craft Studio (photos to follow), back down the river to take the dog for a walk, putting on a few loads of washing, cooking dinner and then an evening crashed out on the sofa!

Sunday: Breakfast, taking the dog for her morning walk, in the kitchen putting up a cabinet and some hooks, then out in the afternoon and evening for a family party!

Monday: Going back to the nursery for some more bargains (had a second thought on how much we needed) a bit of cleaning, out the front starting the front garden renovation....weeding, then out in the car to get some horse manure to  build up the flower bed....Hmmmmmn that was a smelly job!  Pressing Apples from our tree for lovely delicious juice and after a bit of blackberry picking. Ades dad came for dinner....then again a bit of down time chilling on the sofa.

Phew! a Busy weekend.  Most of this week has been spent tidying my Craft Studio again! A job which I really wished I never started but its one that just had to be done...and now it is I am really pleased at the result.

This weekend and next week is going to consist of some more crafty creative sessions for me I think! I have got plenty of things to do so hopefully I'll post lots of photos of what I've been making.

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