Saturday, 13 August 2011

Saturday Chores

I have had the strangest morning.  I was in the food supermarket by 8.20am (a miracle considering I went out last night and was slightly fragile this morning!) Shopping done and put away by 10am...then off to the river for some scavaging for flotsam and jetsam with Adie.  Our hunt was brought to an abrupt halt by a wave of excitement having discovered a haul of wood on the riverside. This was obviously wood which had previously been used and had been discarded.  Thinking of our garden and a future project, of sectioning part of it off for the dog, we found a good selection of posts.  Now came the problem of getting them back to the car, which was quite some distance away! Ever resourceful, I clicked into survival mode and searched for some rope, which we found, then to my amazement we came across some wide fabric straps.  We bundled up our load and with straps over our shoulders we commenced the long trek back to the car.  A few puzzled looks were given by walkers and quite a bit of laughter and banter exchanged between Adie and I whilst we were reflecting on how bizarre this must have looked.  We are back at home now, very satisfied at the jobs we have done this morning and really chuffed at our recycled posts.

 Watch out for the finished result of this riverside find later in the month.

Have a great day. X

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